Missing Data in Clinical Research (EL009)

Multiple Imputation to Handle Missing Values in Clinical Research

Biostatistics I & II (CC020 & CC030)

Introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of statistical data analysis.

Bayesian Methods for Missing Covariates in Longitudinal Studies

Pre-conference course on Bayesian Methods for Missing Covariates in Longitudinal Studies at the conference of the International Biometric Society in Riga, Latvia, July 2022

Using R for Statistics in Medical Research (BST02)

An Introduction to R for Clinical Research

Multiple Imputation of Missing Data in Simple and More Complex Settings

Pre-conference course on Multiple Imputation of Missing Data in Simple and More Complex Settings at the "Tagung der Fachgruppe Methoden & Evaluation der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie" in Kiel, Germany

Imputation Magic - How (not) to deal with incomplete data

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When and Why Imputation with MICE / FCS Might Fail

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Working with Missing Data and Imputation

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Dealing with Missing Values in Multivariate Joint Models for Longitudinal and Survival Data

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Dealing with Incomplete Covariates in Survival Models: A Bayesian Approach

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