
Joint Models for Incomplete Longitudinal and Survival Data

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Working with Incomplete Data: When One-size-fits-all does not fit

fitvids('.shareagain', {players: 'iframe'});

Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data in R

R package JointAI for analysis of incomplete data in the Bayesian framework.

R package JointAI

R package for Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data in R using the Bayesian framework

Imputation of missing covariates: when standard methods may fail

Our work is motivated by examples from two large cohort studies, the Generation R Study and the Rotterdam Study, in which the analysis models of interest involved non-linear effects, interaction terms or had a longitudinal outcome. As is the case for …

Effects of time interval between primary melanoma excision and sentinel node biopsy on positivity rate and survival

**Background:** Sentinel node biopsy (SNB) is essential for adequate melanoma staging. Most melanoma guidelines advocate to perform wide local excision and SNB as soon as possible, causing time pressure. **Objective:** To investigate the role of time …